why i write

In recent months I’ve had the privilege of contributing to websites like (In)Courage, Thriving FamilyiBelieve, Start Marriage Right, Ungrind, Radiant Magazine, MOPS, and Young Disciple.  Though I’ve grown tremendously from these experiences and have thoroughly enjoyed each opportunity, there remain straggling thoughts that rattle around in my mind that just wouldn’t “fit” into an article format.

My hope for this blog is that the posts will be mutually edifying — to the writer and to those readers who happen to stumble upon the typed lines.  Even if only one person is blessed, encouraged, or perhaps even challenged by anything that comes from this blog, I will be very grateful to the Lord for His grace in using my weakness to strengthen another.

I’ve decided to name this blog Heading Home, after my first article to be accepted.  Those who read it will know it was a very personal piece.

By placing the title on top of this blog, I hope to remind myself with each view that this is not my home.  This earthly dwelling is not my home, but by the grace of God, with every day that passes by, I am one step closer to my goal — eternity with Him.

So thank you for reading.  May the Lord use these posts for His glory.

6 thoughts on “why i write

  1. My four children have recently lost their dad. He has been my former husband for many years. It is said to be a homicide and there are so many unanswered questions. The blog on grief caught my attention. My children and their dad had a unsteady relationship.Altho my grief is quite a bit different than theirs I’m still seeking to help them through theirs. Thank you for your blog on grief it has helped.

  2. Hello! Stopping by from the (in)Couraging writers group. I’ve really enjoyed reading some of your posts and look forward to reading more as we progress through the group!

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